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the handyman cums

Milfilicious Miss Raquel makes men mad in her new stuck fetish two-part featurette!

Miss Raquel is home alone and is doing the laundry while chatting on the phone. She switches out her loads and notices that she needs to clean her clothes, so she strips off her dress and her thong to toss them into the washer. Raquel is nude in the laundry room, and she starts feeling frisky since she s naked, so she hops onto the dryer to touch herself while she waits on her load to dry. Revel in Raquel s voluptuous curves as she rubs her big, soft MILF tits, wide MILF hips, and already dripping-wet MILF pussy. Hear the wetness as Raquel dips her fingers in and out of her wet pussy. And don t miss her whole-body orgasm on her dryer as Raquel wraps up her sexy solo time and gets back to doing her laundry...

Raquel is completing her laundry for the day, and she leans deep into the washer to place her clothes in, only to find herself totally stuck! She wiggles and squirms and tries t

  • 00:30:00
  • Sep 14, 2024
  • 62


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