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stepmom shows how to do threesomes

The stepmom baked some cookies for her stepdaughter and her bf. They werehanging out at the house watching movies, so the stepmom wanted to be nice. Well, in more ways then one. The stepmom needed the bf for a minute or two to help get something out of her reach in the cabinet. She starts feeling him up, making him feel real awkward . She tells him that she pulled something while she was exercising and asks if he would take look. She teases him while she wears a small skirt with no underwear. He starts feeling up on his cock while laying on the table as the stepdaughter walks in on them. The stepmom tells them to stop being immature and convinces them to have sex together to help them get over the awkwardness and to teach them a few things. Watch them have an amazing threesome where the 2 ladies share the big cock as they suck it and fuck it until they make him explode.

  • 00:42:18
  • Aug 14, 2014
  • 268


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