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porcupine pie recipe

How you ll doing. Another BigTitsCreamPie episode is up. This time I called my boy Porcupine to come and check out my new place. That’s what I told him, but the real reason of this call was the mission that he was chosen to accomplish. Again, I just got this place and I don t really know all the neighbors yet, in fact there aren’t that many of them anyway. I ve noticed that chick who was coming to hang out by the pool everyday at the same time. From my balcony she looked pretty good, nice legs, boobs, face etc. I even tried to send some of my friends to hook up with her but they failed. I figured that maybe Porcupine could give it a shot since he is young and ambitious. You wont believe it. It took him 3 minutes to get her back to my place. As soon as they got off the elevator they went to my bedroom and started fucking right there. I told her that we kind of shoot for cream pie, and if she would not mind getting one. She said that she has never experienced that before and would like to try it. So go ahead and see what happens.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 15, 2008
  • 174


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