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jodi gets cum on her face

Wasup guys, it s me Preston with another episode of Bangbus. This time I decided to bring along my partner in crime, and my pet PEPE, a English bulldog. So we went to the park to chill with the dog a little bit, and then we started going around looking for some girls. Then we enter this mall, and we saw this hot chick name Jodi, beautiful ass, and amazing tits. She loved PEPE, so we convinced her to get on the bus. We started talking to her but then we found out that she was very kinky. My homeboy Julius, started flirting with her, and she got freaky and started the party. Julius fucked her cowgirl, then doggie and then he gave her an incredible cum-shot on her face. Then like always, we threw her ass out of the bus! This episode is hilarious, check it out!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 06, 2008
  • 221


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