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ride em cowgirl

Damn dudes, do I got a movie for ya ll this week. We really went all out. Jmac and I decicded to spend the weekend in a ranch, where you get to dress up like cowboys and work on the farm, and that we did. To our surprise there were some fine ass girls out there all dressed up like cowgirls, one of my biggest fetishes. These girls were ridiculous. I mean asses like buttermilk biscuits. Abbey Brooks, a busty beauty with an ass that makes your mouth water, and a face from heaven had a pair of some tiny shorts that showed off all her goods. Mariah, well Mariah has what I call the perfect body. A beautiful pair of big tits, and a perfectly round ass. These two were strutting their stuff all over the ranch, walking around naked and playing with eachother s asses. It was so hot, next thing you know, these two were taking my pants off and sucking my dick like they were hungry for some milk. Jmac was a little upset that I was getting a blowjob while he was working on the farm, so we a had a little showdown. Lucky for him, he won, so he got to fuck the shit out of these two beautiful women. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 24, 2008
  • 334


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