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jewels gone wild - anal, dp and caught cheating!

Hot Anal BBC! Squirting! Anal Creampie! Caught Cheating!

Sunday Funday Day...One of my top fucks for sure and over an hour long video!!!!!

This ‘visit’ from Jay Blak was so fucking hot. From the time he came in our chemistry just meshed and this turned out to be the best sex session I have had in a long long time - and I have had more than my fair share of sex sessions. I got so turned on (I call it sex high) that I wanted to go on and on. 100% Raw Sexually Energy!!!!

This long video (76 minutes) has just about everything…slow sensual kissing, blowjobs, sex, double team, anal, squirting, double penetration, anal cream pie…(and other things happened off camera that were even more over the top - next visit we will capture it on video). This was a session where truly the camera was of no interest to Jay and I…We just wanted to explore each other and have sex…and a lot of it!

This video is a lot longer than n

  • 01:13:07
  • Nov 23, 2023
  • 506


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