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i began to suspect that my wife was my boss s lover, until i discovered an unusual one among her purchases, it was a vaseline, i confronted her and when fucking her she moaned for her boss at the end.

Something wasn t right. My wife had been acting weird for weeks, and my boss seemed to be behaving strangely towards me. The pieces didn t fit, until one day, while I was going through her purchases, I found something that made me doubt even more: a Vaseline. It was strange, out of place. I couldn t take it anymore and I confronted her. What happened next was unexpected. As I fucked her, trying to get answers out of her mouth, her moans gave me the truth I didn t want to hear. Between gasps, she moaned my boss s name, confirming my worst suspicions. Now I know there was something more between them, and my life will never be the same.

  • 00:21:29
  • Sep 11, 2024
  • 38


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