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ms paris and her extreme satin fetish

Ms Paris opens her closet to get dressed and starts admiring her collection of satin shirts and dresses. She loves the way they feel against her naked body. She finds one of her favorites and starts to masturbate with it when her guy walks in and decides to help her with that. It doesn t take long to have an orgasm and then she uses the satin blouse around his cock for a blowjob. She puts the blouse on and wants to get fucked doggystyle as she wears it. After a couple of more orgasms she ties the blouse around he waist and want to get fucked HARD using the shirt like a grip on a saddle. She finally turns over on her back for a few final strokes before he blows a load all over the blouse and her tits before just dropping it on the floor.

  • 00:20:07
  • Sep 12, 2024
  • 23


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