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mother s day cuckold - best gift is another man s cock

Mother s Day is around the corner and hubby admitted that he hadn t gotten me anything yet. So I finally got the chance to request having a bull fuck me. Since we talked about it, hubby has always been turned on by the thought of watching me fuck another man. At first I couldn t imagine it. But over the last several months I ve been starting to open up about it. Then I met this guy at our gym. He s super hot and fit. I started to fantasize about him being the guy I d fulfill my husband s fantasy with. The thought actually turned me on to the idea finally. One day, he approached me at the gym and was being really flirty. Finally, he hinted to going on a date sometime. I told him I was married, and he asked if I was happily married. I said I was, but I could see what he was getting at. So I entertained him and opened up to still being interested. I told him my husband is ok with me fucking other men. That s when he told me that he is actually an experienced bull for couples. I ve been

  • 00:25:05
  • Sep 12, 2024
  • 80


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