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owned by king cobra

Bunee Blue is a thick ass snowbunny BBC cock hungry milf who dreamt of being properly owned, but never found anyone who could thoroughly and utterly dominate her, even before penetrating her. That is, until she came across the profile of King Cobra, Hotwife/Milf BBC Master Trainer. She often fantasized of having the dominance of King Cobra overrun and overwhelm her and decided to reach out. They quickly developed a rapport through communicating, and she confided in him that she yearned to have him completely own her every hole. This intrigued and excited King Cobra, and they agreed to meet. After long last, the day had come, and they both were ready: her to totally submit, and he to completely dominate, which both did to perfection. The dominant alpha male nature of King Cobra is what she had long desired, and she delighted in receiving King Cobras hard training and treatment, having each hole of hers filled, explored and exploited in such a way that she never experienced before.

  • 00:25:01
  • May 11, 2023
  • 64


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