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breaking me?! (part 10)

I watched this back before sharing it with all you lovely humans who have come to make this naughty little store of ours your home, and I had to pause it to go and get my vibrator!! Like, not even embarrassed, I totally just got off (again) watching me get worked over by his ruthless teasing, edging and tickling of my soaking wet pussy!

As the little preview will show, my husband loves having me tied helpless like this, and I don t blame him, I look good enough to eat in this position...

I would expect any and every man on the planet to have their way with me like this, if they walked into a room to find me bound in this position!

Here s what you need to know:

1. I was way overconfident to not be phased by this session! (I thought, with all the bound edging, teasing orgasms I had that week, I was more than mentally prepared to be tied back in this very vulnerable position!)

I was wrong. My resolve lasted for like all of 3 minutes!?

And 2. If

  • 00:15:47
  • Sep 07, 2024
  • 34


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