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burger time

Welcome back fellas. Today I went to burger place to film Lana at work. She replied my ad saying that she is a big fan on our website and BangBros on general, she also mentioned that she is good looking latina and she loves sex more then anything. Well how me that was a signal. I grabbed my camera and showed up at her place before she even opened. She told me that sometimes during the breaks she goes to the bathroom and masturbates. I asked her if she can do it in front of the camera and she did so. That was great. Then, of course I took her over to my place where my boy Enzo was waiting for us. This guy fucked the shit out of that nice pussy, but before that she sucked his cock like a wild woman. So go ahead and check out this episode. You gonna love it!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 23, 2008
  • 222


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