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hot outdoor threesome with an french arab milf and a blonde spanish babe

Terry is reading a book outside, sitting on a bench, when Bettina appears to talk to him. He says, he will be joining her, as soon as he has read a few pages. And he also reveals a secret, that he likes them blond, yes, blond babes. And as if God may have listenend to his words, all out of a sudden a blond chick appears sitting next to him on the bench! Magic? A trick? Who knows? Terry is surprised and happy. Now he can show to Bettina his passion for blond babes. He touches her and gives he a few slaps on the ass. But he won t be forgetting Bettina and invites her to touch that real flesh that came from Nowhere s Land! Bettina must admit that she likes that and starts shaking Terry s dick, so that they can have a nice time together. Things become hot and hotter and a nice threesome begins. None forgets about the other parties, and they have great fun together. Man with girl, girl with girl, too!

  • 00:26:53
  • Apr 23, 2022
  • 181


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