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small squishy sub feat astrodomina & krystal davis

So you found yourself at the feet of my hot friend Krystal and I, huh tiny? Do you think you ll survive this encounter? We shall see!

Look how tiny you are compared to Goddess Sydney and Krystal Davis. You were just exploring their place when you were found by the both of them. It s just too bad these are probably the last two Filipina Dommes that you wanted to come across. They laugh at just how minuscule you look next to their towering heels as you quiver at their feet. They hover their shiny black platform heels right above you. Are you scared little one? You should be! Every time they simply tap those heels on the ground, it shakes beneath you. You can feel the sheer power of their feet right next to you.

Sydney talks about the various ways they could end you. Of course, they could simply step on you, leaving you nothing more than a little stain on the soles of their shoes. Of course, one of Sydney s favorite ways to dispose of tinies is to just sit on you as you re s

  • 00:11:49
  • Sep 06, 2024
  • 79


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