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las vegass, baby!!!

WHAT UP! Preston Parker here with a very special treat for all you ASS PARADE DOT COM FANS- this time we took it all the way to the original home of glitz, glam and gambling... LAS MOTHERFUCKIN VEGAS, BABY! Screw that whole what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas bull shit... I m bringing this main event right to your screen... no pay-per-view needed! Wait till you see these three (yes, I said THREE) beautiful fuckin girls spread their perfectly round butts just for us in our limo... watch sexy Gianna as she returns to show these hot rookies, Bobbi Starr and Lorelei Lee the Ass Parade ropes. Watch them lick each others asses all up and down, getting themselves wet and ready for my boys... I haven t seen this much CRACK since my last visit to Hialeah! After a few pit stops we arrived at our final destination and all I can tell you is that the asses on each of these girls are enough to make you buy a one way ticket to the desert... and I wouldn t blame you! Each of them with their own special herbs and spices to add to this west coast gumbo... enough to drive a sane man crazy! So lock the door, close the shades, make sure all your co-workers are gone for the day and enjoy! -Preston Parker, OUT!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 21, 2007
  • 571


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