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taxi cab confessions

One of these days i swear you guys are gunna get me in trouble..always asking me to do these dangerous things in dangerous public places, but as ive said before i aim to please and since many of you asked for this here it is. So the jist of this is me and my cameraman went around in a taxicab to pick up some dude where i would then give him a blowjob in the cab while it drove around. And that is exactly what we did...only it was getting pretty hot (for obvious reasons) inside that cab (not to mention our meter was running high and we do have limited funds) so we got dropped up in front of some random building and found what seemed to be an empty stairwell which is where i finished him off. It was actually alot of fun and im sure you guys are gunna love it to!

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 04, 2006
  • 100


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