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college teachers get dominated by student s girlfriend

Miss Tatiana and I were discussing the essay written by Chad, a very sexy college student of ours, and ended up confessing our attraction to the 20 year old. Little did we know that his girlfriend, Lexa, had found out about our behavior and decided to teach us a lesson. I m going to treat you sluts like the whores you are she said, then she picked up Tatiana, carried her to the bed, threw her down and commanded me to lay next to her. Tatiana and I were a little excited despite being nervous as Lexa out her strap-on dildo around her waste. She dominated the both of us and told us what to do. We felt like right little sluts and gobbled up every last inch of her dick and were such good girls.

  • 00:21:53
  • Sep 04, 2024
  • 182


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