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flattened or eaten feat astrodomina

Well hello tiny! I m going to have a little fun with you today?

You stand before giantess Sydney, who is towering over you like a skyscraper. I looks like you re going to become her next little plaything. You know very well her legendary reputation for both eating and crushing her tinys, and you both know one of these two things will happen. She graciously decides to give you a choice even, would you prefer to be eaten or crushed under her giant Goddess feet?

She is pretty hungry, so she d really like to eat you. She describes how it (you) would go down. She d lick you all over first, getting the full taste of your little snack body. Then she d slowly pop you in her mouth, maybe roll you around her tongue a bit before swallowing you whole! She loves to feel little men struggle in her stomach.. and eventually you will be giving her energy, becoming part of her, while your remains end up in the toilet!

However if you want her to squash you under her divine feet.

  • 00:12:52
  • Sep 04, 2024
  • 37


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