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babysitter blow job w/ blake rose

In this installment we meet one of Preston Parkers old babysitters and she s a fox. He found out she was in town and went to pick her up. The only thing that has changed with Mrs. Blake Rose is she s married and her fantastic new tits. Preston can t help but to flirt with her and she can t help but to let him. She makes a comment on how dirty his car is and they decide to take it to a car wash. Needless to say that with all the flirting Preston gets her to give him a blow job and it continues even though the car wash guy is right there. Preston wants her to film a movie and she s down for the cause, but once she gets a look at the car wash boy she immediately thinks that it would be a good idea to fuck him and save Preston for latter so after Preston cums all over her big tits he asks the dude if he would enjoy fucking his ex babysitter on top of his car and allowing him to film it. If you were him what would you say? YES!! YES!! YES!! Enjoy!

  • 00:33:18
  • Jun 11, 2010
  • 2274


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