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bondage and tickling of victoria s big feet

I have Victoria immobilized on my bed, with her legs together and her big feet exposed! They are really big soles, and for me, it s a real amusement park!

I start with iron nails in her armpits. This always causes agony and excitement, and it s a good way to start. Victoria s body is deliciously perfect. She is slim, with a nice waist, a round and firm ass, and big feet! And what soles!

The gag is loose, but I only realize it later and I end up deciding to remove it to better hear her moans, laughter and despair.

It doesn t take long for me to explore those huge soles! My fingers touch them and the heat is immediately transferred to my hands. Warm soles, with a slight and exciting odor. I start tickling them and her reaction is immediate! The iron nails also cause a lot of despair, and the more she stresses, the more the smell of the soles intensifies, and this is simply alchemy!
I also explore her sexy belly, scratching and causing a certain pleasure and excite

  • 00:15:01
  • Sep 04, 2024
  • 38


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