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the unethical therapist helped her client relieve his stress by sucking his cock

Dan from The Hot Wife Tour booked a last minute appointment with me so I could help him with some stress. I had therapy clients all day but I was able to move some sessions around to squeeze him in, I ve been seeing him for years after all, and I just wanted to help him out. He came in, sat down and told me that he was so stressed because of all the work he has to do for the Hot Wife Tour. He plans, manages, shoots and edits and never gets to bust a nut. I think that s a little unfair but I do understand that work can sometimes get in the way. I offer a solution and he was willing to go through with it. I m going to take your pants off and take care of it . Then I sucked his gorgeous big dick, on the bed, on the floor, and then let him cum all over my glasses. Thank god I have a back-up pair.

  • 00:15:57
  • Sep 03, 2024
  • 65


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