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hialeah chongas!

What s up lovely people preston here bringing you this weeks bangbus update, This week were trying to change the scenario a bit so we decided to take the fun and games out to the great city of Hialeah and this place is the place to go to get you some good ol chongas. My boy mike (driver) had a little suggestion and we ran with it and he was dead on right away we spot a good looking mamacita who was attracting a lot of attention on her own so you know I had to bring this girl back to the bus with us it wasn t as difficult as i thought but then again she is a chonga but a good looking one so it was okay. Once on the bus this girl was cool as hell chit chattin with us but you guys know we need more than a good conversation so I threw some more money her way and it was on from there and let me tell you guys that this girl had a bangin body on her and she loved to show it off, Mirko was the lucky recipient of all that ASS!. I hope you guys enjoy todays update because it sure was fun,Stay tuned!

  • 01:06:36
  • Dec 13, 2011
  • 364


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