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me and my step sister helped our step-nephew feel better about his dick

My step Sister-in-Law and I were chilling at our family vacation cabin when our nephew, Kyle, walked in to have a chat. He was feeling a bit sad since his parents split (Misty and I understand how the men in this family can be hard work). We re-assured him by telling him he s an amazing boy, which seemed to please him at first. He went to have a nap but when we realized he d been gone for over 5 hours, Misty and I decided to check in on him. He was just feeling a bit down because he is girlfriend told him that his dick wasn t good enough! What a bitch! The only way to know for sure though was to get Kyle to show us. Misty and I inspect his dick, touch it and taste it. Our final diagnosis ... it s perfect Kyle . But, we needed to go a little further to make sure he knows how to use it. Surely step aunties are allowed to test these things with their nephews, right? Well we love him enough to give it a go, and boy did he perform well. I let him cum in inside of me so there wasn t any mes

  • 00:18:44
  • Sep 04, 2024
  • 112


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