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gotcha, sasha taaatchaaa

We pulled up on Sasha today, and first thing I noticed was her perfect bubble ass busting out her cheeky shorts. After failing miserably to get her attention, I went to money. A hundred dollars just to talk to us. She seemed fun, so I asked her if I could buy her panties. She was reluctant at first but changed her tune when I offered three hundred for them. She jumped at the chance and cut them off for us. I was about to let her go, but she was looking to hot. So, I asked her would she let us wet her t shirt for five hundred. She agreed but only in the van because we started to attract an audience. Apollo pours the water on her shirt and ends up getting her all wet. I told her I would give her a thousand to get naked and let me dry her clothes for her. After she gets naked Apollo pulls off a genius move and spills water all over himself. He needs his clothes dried now as well. He gets naked and Sasha eyes go straight for his dick. Apollo asks if she wants to touch it and she does. Then

  • 00:50:15
  • Sep 11, 2024
  • 480


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