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wrath of a giantess feat astrodomina

There isn t a single town that can escape my wrath, and this little village is about to find out why!

The giantess Sydney is just wandering the land, her giant footsteps shaking the earth under her feet, when she comes across a peaceful little town. This is one that she hasn t seen before, but now that they re in her sights their fate is sealed. There s nothing that pleases her more than destroying the little ones who dare to occupy her world. She walks up to the tiny village and inspects it for inhabitants, but doesn t see anyone. They must be hiding. Oh well, they should know there s no hiding from her giant ass!

She hovers her butt over their little town. As it lowers slowly it blots out the sky, there s no escape! Slowly but surely her ass smooshes the buildings flat. They have no chance against her giant ass. Next she walks over to some town houses. That s where the majority of them must be hiding. She offers to allow some of them to leave if they just show themselve

  • 00:21:52
  • Aug 30, 2024
  • 46


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