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emergency fart box feat astrodomina

I keep my slaves around for all sorts of reasons, like sucking my Goddess farts!

Sydney is getting ready to go out, she s looking dressed to the nines and excited to have a fun time tonight. Suddenly though, she feels a rumbling and cramps.. she shouldn t have eaten that bean burrito! Now she s bloated and needs to go release the pressure. Good thing however, that she has her Emergency Fart Box available!

What is the fart box? Well that s where YOU live, fart slave. You ve been long since bound inside her special bathroom, ready to consume your Goddesses farts at any time, and the time is now!

Your Goddess sits right above your face and begins to unleash a storm of farts right above you, and there s nothing you can do but suck down one after another after another. Listen to her release bomb after another right in your face. Make sure to suck them all in, fart slave! Your Goddess demands it!

  • 00:12:49
  • Sep 04, 2024
  • 104


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