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hotwife fulfilling another cuckold fantasy for her husband

I was outside sunbathing when I get a random text from my husband, who told me to look in the window. I see him there staring at me, so I give him a quick little flash. I decide to go back inside and see what he s up to. Go figure, I find him already on the couch jerking off. After a little apprehension he is willing to keep jerking off in front of me. I let him know that I find it really hot that he thinks about me when he jerks off, even though we are married. He eludes to the fact that there are other people who do the exact same thing. After some prying I find out that he saw our 21 year old neighbor doing THAT EXACT THING. Not only that, but he recorded him doing it. When I asked why he never told me, I eventually figure out it s because of his ongoing fantasy of me being with other men. Well it just so happens after seeing the video recorded that our neighbor has a MASSIVE cock. As I ask my husband all sorts of questions about what he d want me to do with our neighbor, he eventua

  • 00:10:10
  • Aug 28, 2024
  • 116


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