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obey alexa creed - subliminal devotion

Slip into a world of divine subliminal seduction, where your obedience to the Goddess Alexa Creed is the only path to ultimate satisfaction. Let her sultry commanding voice weave an irresistible spell, guiding you towards exquisite tease and denial. You will learn to obey Goddess Alexa Creed without question.

Let her voice guide you, edge you, and bring you to the brink of ecstatic pleasure. This is your chance to submit completely, to surrender to the power of her commands, and to immerse yourself in the ultimate act of worship.

Let her subliminal commands enter your mind and transform you into what you were meant to be: her little toy.
Tags. sublimanl commands, mind control, tease and denial, dildo blowjob, slave training, Romanian, Alexa Creed, AlexaCreed

  • 00:07:53
  • Aug 23, 2024
  • 22


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