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ponyplay cart pulling 2

Welcome to Ponyplay Cart Pulling 2, a thrilling continuation of the action from Ponyplay Cart Pulling 1. In this captivating video, my pony is fully decked out in an authentic pony outfit, including a snug body harness, hoof boots for both hands and feet, and a stunningly realistic leather horse mask complete with a flowing mane. With reins firmly in place, he is tasked with pulling a sulky along enchanting forest trails. Meanwhile, I sit comfortably in the cart, holding a whip that I use to encourage, correct, or playfully discipline my pony. The whip makes contact with his backside, back, arms, and legs, urging him to speed up, rectify any mistakes, or simply adding an element of fun to our session. My pony struggles to maintain balance with high-heeled boots that lack proper support, adding to the excitement and challenge of the experience. The contrast between his efforts and my relaxed demeanor highlights the playful and exhilarating dynamic of our interaction. Enjoy the visua

  • 00:04:25
  • Sep 30, 2024
  • 214

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