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all i want for xmas is ass!

Merry Fucking Christmas to all you hardcore ass fans! I must say I ve been fortunate enough this year to fuck many beautiful women, and yet today I got to fuck two more of the most beautiful women I ve ever known throughout my porn career. These two have bodies for days, curves for miles, and asses that could drive any man insane. I m talking about Jayden Jaymes and Rachel Starr! Both of them have perfect asses and big beautiful tits. Not to mention Jayden and Rachel both pretty as fuck. Well it just so happened to be that Rachel and Jayden are roommates, so they invited me over for some Christmas fun. I brought them some sexy gifts so they could try them on in front of me, and they got me a glass dildo, well not really for me, but for them to play with it in front of me. Jayden and Rachel started sticking the dildo in each other s pussies while the other sucked on her titties, then they came for over for the real deal. They took turns sucking on my cock, while the other sucked on my balls. Then they took turns riding my cock. It was really all I wanted for Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your boy Preston Parker.

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 23, 2007
  • 196


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