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A chained up Miss Vexx is lead By Sarina Havok to their room. Sarina demands her submissive Vexx to get on her knees and take off her heels after a long day.
After she takes a little too long for her Mistress liking, Miss Vexx is punished with an OTK style spanking.
Having Miss Vexx laying across her lap and taking her punishments like the good girl she is, seemed to soften the stern Mistress resolve and aroused her a bit.
Being a generous Mistress, Sarina allows her pet to suck her mouthwatering Tgirl cock. Miss Vexx is so good at pleasing her Mistress that Sarina decides to grant her a little play time. Sarina bends her sub over and gives her little submissive asshole the good pounding that she deserves. Crying out in sweet anguish Miss Vexx is anxious to cum until her loving Mistress takes a hold of her sub cock and they orgasm together, covering each others cocks in what seems like endless amounts of delightfully sticky cum! Mmmm This double cumshot is so very intense

  • 00:17:11
  • Aug 20, 2024
  • 36


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