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doggy day foot care feat astrodomina

I do love a good foot worshipping pet, it s always so nice to have when I need my feet cared for.

Goddess Sydney is relaxing after a long day, and what better way to treat herself than to use one of her good little pets to clean her tired, sore feet. She has him down on his knees, ready to serve and he s already drooling over her toes. But he needs to remember, this is about taking care of her, not his own desires. She orders him to start sucking her toes, which he does eagerly without question. She shoves one, two, three, then all five toes in his mouth until he deep throating them. She makes him lick her soles clean, lapping up all that dirt and sweat that built up over the day.

She s really enjoying this Goddess treatment from her obedient little pet. But of course, she has two feet, and her other foot deserves the same tender loving care. She has him start sucking on her other toes now, repeating the same cleaning he did on the first one. She loves the sensation and

  • 00:06:30
  • Aug 24, 2024
  • 53


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