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I know what month it is. I m not confused, but for some reason this girl calls herself August. I don t care what she calls herself, I call her fine as hell. Jordan really liked this one, and I don t blame him. August is a tight bodied Mexican Latina from Cali. I ve noticed that a lot of girls are migrating from Cali to Miami for some real dick. I m not complaining though. This one was what you d call a ho, but I call a pro. No amateur lazy half assed fucking here. August knew what she was doing, Jordan was eager and ready, and I was just waiting my turn. August is hot. Like most Latinas, she s got a great ass, dark skin, a nice tight pussy, a pretty face, and long dark hair. Wait till you see her perky firm tits. This girl must have been a cheerleader at some point, or gymnast. I thought that she had nice feet too (but I m a freak). The sex in this film is great. These two didn t make love they fucked like animals. Of course it started with a strip show, which lead to an awesome blow job, which turned into a sixty nine, which always leads to amazing energetic fucking, which around here always leads to a messy facial. You don t want to miss this movie. Oh yeah, and D. Sanchez showed up a couple of times. You ll understand what I m rambling about when you watch the movie. Peace...

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 16, 2006
  • 165


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