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the horny florist

What s up guys. I have to tell you I had a pretty good day yesterday, well somewhat. I was driving on the highway driving to this hot little spot where they sell some really good meatloaf. So as I m driving I notice that my car starts to overheat, it had been doing that lately so I knew I had to stop on the side of the road before I got stranded in the middle of the highway. When I stop to take care of my car, I notice this really hot girl in the corner of the street selling flowers. Later on as I m fixing my car, she walks up to me to ask me if I wanna buy some flowers from her. I nicely told her I don t buy flowers but if she was willing to go have some meatloaf with me I would consider buying them. She was definitely willing to find out what the meatloaf was all about. We decided to take a shortcut behind the highway, and as were walking Im checking her out, she turns around, walks up to me and tells me she wants some of that meatloaf. She unzips my pants goes down and starts sucking on my cock. She was real soft and gentle, which I m not used to but it felt real good just looking at her pretty ass face as she sucked my dick. This girl was really hot, I couldn t wait to undress her so I took her shirt off, pulled her pants down to her knees, turned her around and fucked her doggy style. This girl was real tight, and her skin was real soft. We found a little spot on the grass and she started riding on my dick, she was so turned on she came all over my cock. We kept on fucking for a while then I had to get her back to doggy so I could come all over her face once I was done. So when we finished it was pretty classic, I told her I had run out of time since we did all that fucking so I didn t have time to take her out to eat.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 01, 2007
  • 212


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