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lucky slave gains an orgasm in hogtied position

Covered in a black full body suit, slave Canvas lies ready. Without the slightest hesitation, Miss Yara turns his hands behind his back and ties them with a rope. The rope is unyielding and hard. Even with small movements, the slave is reminded that he cannot escape anymore.

But she does not leave it at that. Next, both legs are bent and the feet are fixed to the thighs. In this position, the legs are spread and the stretch on the thighs is strong. An uncomfortable position that allows free access to the private parts of the slave.

Canvas now can not refuse the following treatment. Miss Yara roughly grabs his testicles and ties them off with a rough rope. This sensitive body part is now hung on the overhead crane and put under tension with the winch.

The slave gasps in pain and arousal. The big cock is bulging and twitching. The slave wants nothing more than to get a satisfying orgasm.

But the time of release is in Miss Yara s control. She stimulates him gen

  • 00:13:33
  • Aug 18, 2024
  • 41


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