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outdoor photoshoot and fuck with my stepdad

I was having a nice day to myself, sunbathing in the back yard to get a bit of a tan before my next girl on girl scene at my stepdads studio. He ended up coming home and seeing me out there, so he comes out with his camera. He mentions that he had a photoshoot cancel earlier and that he needed to get some content up ASAP. So we have a nice little photoshoot outside as I strip down from my bathing suit to completely naked and spreading my pussy. It only takes a few minutes before he decides he wants a taste. First he shoves his face in my pussy and ass, and then suggests that we film a boy/girl scene while we are at it. He offers to call up one of the male models, but of course he just wants to fuck me. He fucks me deep from behind with his thick dick, and then on my back. Eventually he suggests we scrap the rest of the scene and just finish in the house (I FUCKING KNEW HE JUST WANTED TO FUCK ME). So we go back into the bedroom, he keeps fucking me, and eventually blows a huge load all

  • 00:17:56
  • Aug 18, 2024
  • 45


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