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meet jc taylor

Another Facial Fest episode is up. Today my guest was JC Taylor and of course it was her first time fucking in front of the camera. She was quite nervous, and after I asked her why she couldn t find the answer but even I couldn t hear it because she spoke quietly. Another unusual thing she told me was that she was married and still lives with her husband. Can you imagine that? I was like, Does he know what you’re going to do? and she said, Yes, he doesn t mind . Wow. I wish my future wife were like this. Anyway, after this short interview I kind of showed her what website its going to be for, and it seemed that she liked that a lot. So she took her clothes off and started masturbating just like those girls I showed her on the website. Then I fucked the shit out of this girl especially knowing that her husband wouldn t mind even if he were here with us. After that I put a huge load on her lovely face making sure that she wont be able to wash it off for at least 2 days, and go home right after the shoot and give her husband a big kiss with her cum covered lips. I bet he wouldn’t mind that either.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 22, 2008
  • 100


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