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fuck d team 5!!!

On this special edition of the fuck team five, we have Luscious Lopez, Bridgette B., and Mia Lelani. With a combination like this, you might want to buckle up before you tug it up cause this shit is insane!! The girls ran around the valley pulling pranks. Their first one was with these two dudes they pulled over, to sell the prank, they wore biohazard gear and made them strip to be cleansed and then left them in their birthday suits taking in the breeze, FUCK D! The girls got horny so on their next trick, they turned a bag boy and a team leader into men when they sexually bombarded them. it was all fun and games until they re manager caught them in the back, FUCK D!!!!

  • 00:42:18
  • Oct 08, 2009
  • 322


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