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creampie for my girlfriend’s daughter

Ana came to visit her mother, when she meets her Mom s new boyfriend, she gets shocked, he is so young for her mother, so she feels an instant attraction and starts stalking him, first she offers him a bj in the kitchen at first he is reluctant but Ana is young, hot, sexy, and seductive so he cannot resist, they almost get caught by Ana s mother so they have to stop, Ana is so horny that when they go to sleep she starts masturbating in her room, but this is not enough she can t cum, then she decides to go across the hall, enters her mothers room and starts sucking the boyfriend s cock while her mother sleeps, he wakes up astonished, what is she doing?, her mother is sleeping right next to him. Realizing that Ana is not going to stop, he surrenders to her wishes and fucks her as she wanted, to finally shoot a big load in her young pussy for her to squeeze it out.

  • 00:34:21
  • Sep 17, 2018
  • 340


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