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ms paris masturbating finds voyeurs in the park

Ms Paris sneaks off to the park to find a quite place to masturbate. She thinks she s all alone and strips down to have an intense orgasm, but just as she finishes a guy walks up. She is embarrassed and offers him a blowjob to keep quite about it. So, she gives a deep throat blowjob and he cums in her mouth to seal the deal. Next, A voyeur walks up on Paris as she is masturbating again at the park and after an intense orgasm, she then notices he has been watching. She walks over to stop him from walking away because she gets horny knowing someone was watching her and offers to let him fuck her. She leads him down a path then gives him a deep throat blowjob before having him fuck her hard doggystyle. She has another orgasm and he shoots his cum all over her ass.

  • 00:10:43
  • Aug 17, 2024
  • 34


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