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perla sexy time in the car garage

I needed new car for my travels to and from towns in Europe. I go to car lot that have many cars. That’s when I meet pretty girl named Perla. She had innocent look, very pretty. But I knew she like sexy time like me so I ask her to show me some cars. After much talk I ask her if she like cum and if I give her money will she show me her tits. She show me out in open and we almost got caught. So then I ask her if she had an office inside that she can possibly show me more. We went inside to the office but it was really busy with customers. I still got her to give me a blowjob while the mechanics where busy working on the cars for sale. Then I ask her to take me some place private maybe her office. So we went there and I Fucked her good. I make her pussy wet and she gave me great blowjob. We fucked on her desk and then I fucked her doggie style. After we finished fucking I let her drink my cum and then I asked her for a discount on a new car.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 11, 2013
  • 244


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