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how to get his attention

Jonathan Jordan is having a tough day working from home, he s making a lot of mistakes and is starting to get worried that he ll be getting fired. Ashley Aleigh is here to help...sorta. She comes downstairs and asks for some help on her homework. He denies and explains that hes way too busy. He doesn t pay much attention to her even though she keeps begging. She realizes that she knows the perfect way to get his attention, the power of the female body. She drops her pants and thong and shows off her amazing bubble butt. This does the job. At first he tries not to look because hes way too busy to fool around, but after one long stare and her booty, there s no way he can say no to that. He gets her on the couch spanks her a few times before eating that booty like lunch. She gives him an amazing blowjob and his huge cock is hard as a fucking rock. They fuck in multiple positions and he gives her a thick and creamy facial all over her pretty face. He might get fired, but at least he went out with a bang...literally.

  • 00:23:15
  • Feb 11, 2021
  • 664


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