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that ass on victoria cakes

We may have a new record for biggest natural ass. Victoria Cakes measures in at a sexy 50 inches, and todays update is here to prove it. This thick sista knows all kinds of tricks to show off that ass. She could cause an assquake with all her shaking, bouncing, clapping, twerking…etc Now, we did go to her spot to check out that ass, but really, we wanted to see this beautiful black women get fucked. So, after oiling her ass up and worshiping it for a minute, it was time to pound that beautiful black pussy. Of course she deep throated that dick and squeezed it between her big ol’ titties, but then Rick slammed the heck out of her and she loved it. She was screaming and moaning and… You’ll see. Just watch the video.

  • 00:50:15
  • May 20, 2016
  • 454


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