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big ass and hairy pussy cum-filled tease - video

FULL VIDEO: BBW Big Ass and Wet Creamy Hairy Pussy Tease
Time: 13+ min
Description: (This was a custom video for a paying fan - no name used) I am in my room trying on some lingerie and you come in and interrupt me. I m surprised but happy and I show off and ask you what you think of me in it. I tell you that I ve always wanted you to find me like this and ask you to stay. I tease you with my tits through the fishnets, showing off my belly and ass. I tell you that my hairy pussy is getting wet and I ask if you want to see it. Telling you how I want you to taste how wet and soft my pussy is. I spread my pussy close up in the camera and tell you I want you to taste me, and how wet it is for you. Then I get into different poses on my hands and knees all to show off my fat ass for you, spreading it and shaking it, finally turning to the side to see my belly, and fat ass jiggling and moving back and forth while I moan for you to cum inside of me. I put my wet hairy pussy in your fac

  • 00:13:19
  • Jan 22, 2022
  • 72


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