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california voice over guy

Hey what s up guys. This week I have a cutie guy for you guys, I wanted a blond guy, so the drive to Key Biscayne were the blond guys are. When we get there we saw this muscle guy in the sea, Cameron went to catch him, we start talking to him and we convince him that we were students and were making a film project. We take him in the van and he was so hesitate with Cameron that she show him her tits, and ask her to suck his dick, we blindfold him and Jamie suck his dick. We he discover it was Jamie the one sucking his cock he gets really upset. Finally we convince him that Cameron liked hard sex but first she need to prove that the he was a good man to fuck her hard and make her come, so we want to use Jamie to prove it. So we ask him just to fuck Jamie for like 15 minutes and 2500 fucking dollars. he accepted and he really fuck him hard, but as always we left him on the street without the money and without Cameron.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 28, 2007
  • 100


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