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lock jaw: alara lamarr

This is a nothing but dick sucking. I ran into Alara LaMarr online and we had planned to link up. When that day came 2 days ago I had no idea she was going to be this fanatical about dick. The day before we did a full on scene but this night it was nothing but gagging on BBC. She had originally came over to get a throat pie from the homie. She seen how hard my dick was after she she was done milking him dry and asked could she get a load out of me. My dick was super sore cause of all the fucking I had done that day and I was doubtful. She suggested we try. The second her mouth touched my dick I was ready and she went to working breaking my dick down in a way it has not been in a very long time. This Slut loves to gag on Big Dick. She got real aggressive with my dick, positioning herself just right so she could get down her throat balls deep. She should change her name to the Dick Whisper. Folks get this whore. she dedicated to serving dick. She is simply amazing with a dick
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  • 00:14:11
  • Jan 02, 2022
  • 61


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