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amber peach vs. richard mann

I met Amber Peach when I first started doing vids. In fact she was a talent director at WCP and seen me on a site an dropped me a line. That started the whole thing for me. Fast forward to a AVN convention and us on a bed. I could tell she wanted it real bad so I started playing with my cock. When I went to put it back in she demanded I whip it back out, just like I knew she was, and it was on. I dicked this Milf Slut down real good. She deep throated me to the ball sack. I sat on on my dick, pounded her while I was on top, doggie style, I had waited for all those years to get in this pussy and I d be damned if I was not gonna act a fool in that twat. This is what fuckin should be. Dont miss this lil hottie gettin it deep and hard.

  • 00:25:13
  • May 25, 2022
  • 340


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