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south american rebel in tight leggings fucked in the jungle

A dirty and tired stranger lies down in the wood to get some rest after a long walk. He fell asleep on a trunk, and there comes a very sexy police woman, dressed up in a blue uniforme, but half naked, and tells him to leave, because sleeping outside is forbidden! The man only realizes that the lady s tits are very nice and tries to lick her pussy attracted by the smell! She smiles and seems to be the easy and laid-back kind of officer, so they will get along! Why would they not take the occassion to have a cool and refreshing fuck in the middle of the wood? None is watching them! And that is the story that follows my intro. A very hot and good performed scene by Dee Jones and Terry fucking in the wood!

  • 00:19:15
  • May 07, 2022
  • 96


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