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sex in the waiting room

Have you ever had to sit in a waiting room for hours? Well not today, cause when Nadi Phuket (that is actually not pronounced like you might think) and Castro Supreme meet at a waiting room….they aren’t going to be waiting. Once Nadi gets a hold of Castro’s massive tool, she will never give it up. She can’t wait till she finally puts it inside her mouth. She sucks on it, pulls it, jerks it, strokes it, but still can’t believe the girth of that cock. Then it was time for Castro to fuck her hard. It took some time to be able to insert his giant dick inside her tight wet pussy, but once he was in, she was able to take the whole monster again and again. Now sit back and enjoy a waiting room like no other….only here on Monster of cock.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 22, 2007
  • 334


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