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wife shows our new male roommate our playroom - touchmywife -

You have to be selective when you re looking for a new roomie. Tony knows this, so he vets the potentials before inviting them over. And he s got one for his horny wife River. This guy Joey is jacked and River is totally into his look. So what now? Invite him over for a showing! Joey is stand-offish when he arrives, but River puts him at ease by telling him how much she likes his vibe. They show Joey his room and confide that it was their old playroom . Joey is a little confused until River spells it out and tells him they re swingers. She flashes her big tits to this stranger, right in front of her husband. Joey moves in to feel her up and begins to eat River s pussy while she sucks her husband s cock. River moves to jerking and sucking both men like a real horny hotwife. She slides down Joey s thick dick and her husband watches as she is pounded to orgasm by their new roommate. The men switch off and spit-roast River so she is stuffed from both ends. Then both guys unload their nut

  • 00:38:35
  • Sep 27, 2024
  • 142


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